Tag Archives: fundraising

Valentines Day Weekend Foxy Hijinks

Last weekend was so epic I have to share!

The annual Kieran’s Erotic Poetry Slam by Wordsprout and Button Poetry was an excellent way to kick off a sexy weekend! Ok, so I didn’t get past prelims, but I looked cute doing it 😉


I love that fucking microphone. It gives me needs, and poetry feels.

Friday I travelled up to Fargo to be a part of Bad Weather Burlesque’s Fatal Attraction Valentine’s Day show. This show was a stunner! Filled with elegance and a dash of sexy geekiness!

Fox and Oxford
Fox and Oxford
Fox enchanted by Enchanting Erica
Fox enchanted by Enchanting Erica
Belle getting a little frisky with Cheeky Delight
Belle getting a little frisky with Cheeky Delight

And the incomparable, B.J Armani

B.J Armani and Fox
B.J Armani and Fox

Who had the quick reflex to acquire me and lend me his stage in Grand Forks for an impromptu surprise performance at B.J. Armani’s Cabaret on Saturday night!

Grand Forks people are awesome and though I don’t have many pics from that show yet, check out my Fox Smoulder Fans Facebook page  for updates. If you have a pic to share, post and tag me and you may end up on the fan page too! They raised a ton of money for the Wounded Warrior program, which if you haven’t checked it out, you should do so, because they do a lot of good work for injured veterans.

After thanking everyone and packing up, I was off to drive through the night. I had to get home, you see, there was a special event I dearly wanted to take in….

Cary Elwes was to appear at the Mall of America Theater after a special showing of the Princess Bride!

So Sunday my fanboi persona emerged and after a two hour nap, I was in line, hoping to be one of 300 people to get in:

Fox queuing
Fox queuing

And in I did get!

Cary Elwes copy


*squee* (Yes fanbois squee!)

And I present the man responsible for the smirk a 12yo Fox practiced in the mirror to flash to girls while getting things off of high shelves for them… with his eyes closed. BUT that makes this an excellent addition to my blurry, badly lit cell phone pics of very cool famous people and me collection!

Cary Elwes and Fox… He thinks my name is cool, *squee*
Cary Elwes and Fox… He thinks my name is cool, *squee*


EPIC VALENTINE’S DAY WEEKEND! Now if you will excuse me… I am completely Foxed and must rest. *THUD*


The Ice bucket challenge and my mother

When I did my ice bucket challenge video I opened up my pants to reveal my Batman boxers.

I am Batman
I am Batman

Because everyone knows super heroes wear their costumes under their street clothes,

My Mom’s response in the comments:

“Is this porn? or stripping? In which case, you should be making money not supporting other’s causes. No, I’m not putting you down, I love it. I’ll bring some ice water for your triathlon on Sunday. …Mom

Oh Mom:

There was a time when I was skinny as a post and you thought I was fat,

You had a breast reduction when you were older but chided me for my chest being flat,

When I came out to you and you said Satan had possessed my soul,

And now you are saying you love that I may work wrapped around a pole?

Update: My mom gave me a check to send on to WARONALS.COM! I did another challenge to bring attention to War on ALS because I am a triathlete and I learned about Jon “Blazeman” Blais in 2005. He was diagnosed with ALS in May of ’05, finished the Hawaii Ironman in September of ’05. Unable to comet any longer, he was in Hawaii to cheer on a competitor named Brian Breen in ’06 and by ’07, Jon had passed on. So this challenge is to support War on ALS, the foundation set up in his honor.

I also challenged on Allison Moon, Sierra, and Patricia Tallman

On another note, I’ve gotten in a couple tangles with people about the ice bucket challenge wasting water…

Seriously, every one knows damn well there is no link between people without clean water and this challenge. It’s not drying out aquifers, or shutting off water to homes in Detroit, or draining reservoirs, but here: http://www.detroitwaterbrigade
or 100+ ways to conserve water Those links will get people started on a path to real water conservation efforts, rather than going online and poking at people who are just trying to do some good.

Visible Bodies

Yesterday I did a photo shoot for A project called Visible Bodies: Transgender Narratives Retold
It is a community project with the goal to ’empower trans people and educate cis gender people’. Some of you know, I haven’t always been comfortable with my gender identity. For a long time I felt I was expected to pick one and go all in, but neither gender fits me very well. Over time I learned that I don’t hate my body, I just hate the role in society that was expected of it. Because of projects like Visible Bodies where trans people can use their own voices and speak their truths, I’ve realized that the difficulty doesn’t lay within me, that the culture itself needs to be reshaped to serve all humanity, including myself, and that made all the difference. With Visible Bodies I can give back and add my voice as a gender queer performer telling my story too. Everyone’s story is unique, and it can not be over stated how much speaking out and being heard as trans, breaking that barrier of invisibility, can heal and strengthen a broken soul, and change the hearts of others.

If you identify as trans, visit their website. If you want to financially help with this project (every $ helps!) so more people can be heard, here is the link to the indiegogo fundraiser.

There are volunteer opportunities too!

Keep your eyes on my FB And Twitter feeds and ‘like’ their FB page for more updates. This is going to be an amazing project!